Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The ToddCat digs deep in the Catbox once again

So I am right at this moment bravely facing my imminent death. I am sitting at the airport in Kansas City waiting for my flight to Chicago then on to Indianapolis for meetings and my company holiday party. Anyway, my flight is delayed because Chicagans are apparently big wusses when they get a little snow. So I'm sitting here patiently waiting and the fire alarm goes off followed by an announcement over the PA system that everyone needs to leave the building while they decide if there really is a fire. Well, you can imagine what kind of pandemonium that lead to. Actually it lead to no pandemonium, but did cause a lot of negative attitudes and complaining. No one moved a muscle to save their lives by fleeing the flames of death. We all just sat bravely staring death in the face. Then, like an angel from heaven, a Southwest employee said "don't leave, it's just a problem with the alarm." Whew! That was a close one. This near death experience has made me realize just how important I am to all of my faithful readers and that there is no way any of you could expect to survive without my delightful stories and wise wisdom to guide you through the trials and tribulations of life. Therefore, the blog is back in action so you won't suffer any longer.


Abby said...

OH THANK GOODNESS! I'm so glad (1) that you survived the near death experience in the Chicago airport because, let's be serious, dying in a Chicago airport would be one of the worst ways to go; and (2) that it prompted you to get your act together and post something new on the Catbox because, while your comments are some of the highlights of my blog-reading time, it has just not been the same.

How's that for the longest sentence on earth? I just cannot contain my relief. Welcome back, Todd. You were missed.

Kris Tina said...

You are so so so dramatic. Just relax. I know another group of people who are so flamboyant/dramatic they want to make me set myself on fire. Just like the fire at the KC airport. And really the reason no one left is because they didn't want to have to go through security check again. Unfortunately Chicago weather is clear so it looks like your layover will not translate into a sleepover at the loft. Ross will be relieved, he doesn't have the route worked out to go to midway.

Shana said...

Todd, yes it is about time, I have an inside source that admits to missing Catbox deposits other than just me, ktc, lindy, and abby. You have a network of readers.

I think that millions of passangers fleeing an airport with fire hot on their heels is the start of a "world's coming to an end" type of movie, or an episode of 24. I am glad that you have survived, and if you have anymore trouble Jack Bower will be on his way immediately.

p.s. I think that the Catbox should allow anonymous comments, it sparks the detective in all of you.

Lindy said...

Todd!!! I am so relieved to see you back in the saddle. I was beginning to worry you would never again post on the world wide web your thoughts and fears. The Goose is right now playing with clean laundry, and I know she is only doing that because she's happy about your blog.

Also, remember that when you dance at your holiday party, try to keep the thumb points and kicks out of it.

Todd said...

I feel like a soldier returning from the war and being honored with a virtual ticker taper parade, and who doesn't like a good parade? Shana, just so you know, and everyone else will know, I do not like the show 24. I realize that it is a popular show, but I do not like Keifer Sutherland. Sometimes he is good in the role of a psycho, like in A Time to Kill, but I do not buy for a second any role he does of a good guy. You shouldn't either.