You may recall when 18-month old Jessica McClure fell down in a Texas well and the world watched from the edge of their seats waiting to see the toddler emerge. It took 2 1/2 days to get her out of there, just long enough for random strangers to send in lots of gifts and over $1 million in cash. Her story was later turned into the 1989 made-for TV movie, Everybody's Baby: The Rescue of Jessica McClure, starring Beau Bridges. Rent it today at your local Blockbuster. (Seriously, someone needs to watch this and post a review.) That was 20 years ago on Tuesday and Jessica, now a 21-year old mother, is waiting to turn 25 when she will cash in on all the money in her trust. If you fell down a well as a small child and were about to come into a pile of money from a bizzare event you don't even remember happening, what would you do?
I'm glad you posted this, because I was just reading about it on CNN yesterday. I remember when baby Jessica fell down the well, and for some reason I think I remember specifically watching the news on TV in our townhouse in Calgary. After that, I NEVER wanted to fall down a well.
Not even for a million dollars? I don't know that I would either. I would maybe push someone in a well for $1 million, but I don't think I'd want to fall in there myself. Definately not if I'm going to be stuck in there for 2 and a half days.
I can't believe more people didn't comment about Baby Jessica.
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