Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Digital Dilemma

I have a big life decision to make and I'm not sure which way to turn. I want ot upgrade my cable service. Right now I have the bare bones basic cable service from Comcast. It's not even digital. (I know, it's pretty pathetic.) I want to upgrade to digital, HDTV, and DVR... just the necessities to enjoy some quality TV. I don't want a dish on the house so I am left with 2 options: (1) Comcast or (2) AT&T U-verse. Comcast's package includes phone service. AT&T doesn't, but with them I will be able to program my DVR by logging onto the internet which is a big plus since I will be traveling each week. So I need guidance and feedback. Does anyone out there have either Comcast or AT&T U-verse service? I need to know the pros and cons. I need to know now!


Kris Tina said...

I don't understand why you don't want a dish on the house. Is it because you aren't materialistic you just like nice things?

Todd said...

A dish on the house would be too showy.

Lindy said...

It seems clear to me that being able to program your DVR remotely is just one of the most important things in the world. What if you mean to record Troop Beverly Hills (what a thrill) and then you hop on a plane and forget? You wouldn't be able to live with yourself. Trust me.

Todd said...

Yes, that would be an unfortunate disaster. It really is a mystery why that movie is not aired around the clock. When is someone going to start the Shelley Long Movie Channel? Now that's something worth paying for.

Todd said...

You'll all be relieved to know that I have ordered AT&T U-verse and it will be hooked up on Tuesday. Of course, I will have to blog all about how good (or bad) it is.

Kris Tina said...

I am just happy that you made a final decision. It's about time.