Friday, September 28, 2007

Christmas Card Crisis

Two years ago I found some strap-on antlers at Target and took a delightful and charming photo of my dogs, Tanner & Maggie, for my 2005 Christmas card. Receiving lots of accolades for what was pretty much just done on a whim, I decided I needed to step it up the next year. That resulted in the photo of them dressed up as Mary and Joseph tending to an illuminated yard ornament baby Jesus. It is now an annual tradition and I find myself with no viable ideas on what to do for 2007. I desperately need help thinking of something that will top them all. Whoever comes up with the winning idea will win a prize, which will be inclusion on this year’s Christmas card list. What should I do? Please advise.

Let's play Scruples

A good friend on mine (who is completely unaware this blog exists) recently found himself in a bit of a pickle that I thought everyone should know about. Immediately after the alleged events transpired he sent this email to a group of friends to get their take on the situation. These are his words, not mine; however, your feedback should be your own, not stolen from someone else like I am doing. For whatever reason, this reminded me of the classic board game Scruples, but maybe I don't have the most accurate recollection of how that game worked.
I just got back to my desk after encountering what I deem to be a ‘new classic’ social dilemma. I’m in the restroom, about to finish up my morning business. A guy enters the stall next to me and starts his business. 5 seconds later, his cell phone rings. He answers.

Now, I’m in a tight spot. This is work. I’m not sure if the call is work-related, or what. I decide one thing immediately. I can’t flush. That would potentially out the dude for taking calls in the john. However, as I’m finished now myself, what do I do next?

I figure I have three choices:
(1) I sit back down and wait for him to finish and eavesdrop on his entire conversation. (Somewhat creepy…)
(2) I whisper over the wall and see if he’ll flush for me. (Extremely creepy…)
(3) I go wash my hands and get the hell out of there. (Not creepy, but just gross. Remember, we’re in an un-flushed situation here…)

Of course, I opt for option 3. Sure, someone will have to take care of flushing for me, which is something I absolutely can’t stand, but I didn’t like the other options.

What would you have done???
So there you have it. I want to know WW_D? (Enter your initial in the blank)

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Digital Dilemma

I have a big life decision to make and I'm not sure which way to turn. I want ot upgrade my cable service. Right now I have the bare bones basic cable service from Comcast. It's not even digital. (I know, it's pretty pathetic.) I want to upgrade to digital, HDTV, and DVR... just the necessities to enjoy some quality TV. I don't want a dish on the house so I am left with 2 options: (1) Comcast or (2) AT&T U-verse. Comcast's package includes phone service. AT&T doesn't, but with them I will be able to program my DVR by logging onto the internet which is a big plus since I will be traveling each week. So I need guidance and feedback. Does anyone out there have either Comcast or AT&T U-verse service? I need to know the pros and cons. I need to know now!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Regal Beagle

Welcome blog fans! This is my inaugural blog posting and I know you are expecting greatness, but I am here to tell you....don't. I am easing into the blog waters slowly so as not to overwhelm anyone. I was thinking it would be nice to have a casual gathering place where friends could get together and discuss current events and I realized there could be no better place than the Regal Beagle from Three's Company. Think of the Catbox as the virtual Regal Beagle of the interweb. I invite you all to come on the blog journey with me. So come on, knock on my door and take a step that is new....
Bring on the blog comments!